
Issue Title
Vol 2, No 3 (2024) Control of Water Flow Rate in a Tank Using the Integral State Feedback Based on Arduino Uno Abstract  PDF
Raeyvaldo Dwi Hendriyanto, Riky Dwi Puriyanto, Alfian Ma'arif, Marco Antonio Márquez Vera, Oskar Ika Adi Nugroho, Choeung Chivon
Vol 2, No 2 (2024) An Extensive Analysis of the Significance and Difficulties of Microgrids Based on Renewable Energy in Wireless Sensor Networks Abstract  PDF
Md. Naeem Hussain, Kazi Abdul Kader, Md. Sumon Ali, Aman Ullah, Zohar Al Dodaev
Vol 2, No 1 (2024) A Comprehensive Review on Techniques and Challenges of Energy Harvesting from Distributed Renewable Energy Sources for Wireless Sensor Networks Abstract  PDF
Md. Naeem Hussain, Md Abdul Halim, Md. Yakub Ali Khan, Salah Ibrahim, Abrarul Haque
Vol 1, No 2 (2023) Hexapod Robot Movement Control for Uneven Terrain Abstract  PDF
Yusuf Prasetio, Nuryono Satya Widodo
Vol 1, No 3 (2023) Implementation of Behavior Based Robotics on Hexapod Legged Robot Based on Room Mapping Abstract  PDF
Zahra Salsabila, Nuryono Satya Widodo
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