Control of Leading-Edge Shock of Train Using Deep Neural Network to Prevent Unstart

Stefalo Acha, Sun Yi, Frederick Ferguson


The primary aim of this research is to create a comprehensive neural network model that can effectively regulate the position of the leading-edge shock in a scramjet by manipulating the required backpressure, thereby achieving, and maintaining hypersonic speeds. By utilizing computational fluid dynamic data, a dynamic model is constructed using a neural network-based approach to control the positions of the leading-edge shock train. The scramjet isolator, which is a duct where pressure increases from the inlet to the combustor via a series of shock waves, necessitates precise control of the leading-edge shock locations during scramjet operation. The model employed in this research project is a neural network adaptive controller implemented in MATLAB/Simulink software, which accounts for the nonlinear characteristics of the plant and predicts its future behavior. To enhance control performance, a robust controller is employed, integrating a learning rule that reduces the error percentage throughout the system's lifespan. The neural network is trained using flight behavior datasets, enabling it to learn from a set of training patterns. Plant identification is achieved through a neural network, capturing the system dynamics, and enabling the neural network to function as a controller. Additionally, the controller's performance is validated through simulations and optimization analyses. This research presents an adaptable, robust, and effective control system that provides added reliability and reduces disturbances.


Component, Leading Edge Shock Train, Robust Control, Reference Model, Neural Network, PID Controller, Time Series

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Copyright (c) 2024 Stefalo Acha, Sun Yi, Frederick Ferguson


Control Systems and Optimization Letters
ISSN: 2985-6116
Publisher: Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia
Address: Jl. Empu Sedah No. 12, Pringwulung, Condongcatur, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia